Bring the kids along for a marvelous adventure.”

Magnificent nature. Memories for a lifetime.

This could very well be one of the adventures you and your children will cherish most in the years to come. The High Coast Hike is one of the world’s most popular hiking adventures, and every year families, with one or both parents, come from all over the world to experience the breathtaking nature of the High Coast, the lovely community, and to relax together.

On this page, we’ve gathered tips for you who are bringing children on the adventure!

We hiked with our two girls, aged 8 and 10. It was absolutely fantastic. I think we’re all equally proud.”

Sandra Hansen, Denmark

I hiked with my 9-year-old daughter. It’s definitely a challenge but such an amazing experience. Bring extra candy for sure.

Marcus Eklånge Gindemo, Sweden

You really should give this a try. We hiked with our children aged 6 and 7, and they still talk about it. It turned out to be a truly wonderful adventure.

Sara Brown, England

Gorgeous Nature

Over three days, we’ll experience some of the absolute highlights of the World Heritage site.

Choose your adventure

Select from three distances – The Original, Wanderlust, and Wanderlust Light.

Chill Community

We hike at our own pace to communal campsites where we unwind, take a dip, or participate in workshops.

Camping life

Campfires, just relaxing on a cliff, or conquering a scenic overlook. It’s your call.

Outdoor Schools

During the hike, we’ll have visits from outdoor companies sharing tips and tricks.


We wrap up at the peak of the World Heritage site before descending and continuing the celebration in FriluftsByn.

The camaraderie comes naturally

Now, this isn’t a ”group hike” in the traditional sense as we hike at our own pace. But already during the evening and when we take the bus to the starting point, you usually get to know the others who are hiking with you.

Experience nature your way

We set out together, but we hike at our own pace to our communal night camps. Guides are available at the front and back of each distance, and you’ll receive tips on beautiful places to take breaks, but you go at your own pace..

A wonderful mix of people

The High Coast Hike attracts participants from all over the world, and thanks to Wanderlust and Wanderlust Light, more people have the opportunity to bring their children along for a lifetime memory.


A hike perfect for those who want to bring the kids along for a real adventure.

The High Coast Hike is an unforgettable trek through the highlights of the High Coast. We arrange buses, guides, food, workshops, and loads of fun activities so you can focus on the experience. During the hike, you and your children will experience majestic mountains, deep forests with beautiful lakes, and a fantastic coastline with sandy beaches.

But this is more than just a hiking tour; there are also workshops and seminars where you’ll get the chance to learn how to make your own products in wool with Woolpower and get outdoor tips from Naturkompaniet.

In the evenings, we gather at communal campsites and enjoy the cozy atmosphere by the campfires. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get closer to nature and spend time with your family.

  • Experience the breathtaking nature of the High Coast World Heritage Site together with like-minded families from around the world.
  • We take care of all the practicalities: food, transportation, maps, workshops, and the after-hike, while you bring your own, gather borrowed gear, or rent equipment.
  • After checking in and picking up food and maps, we take buses to the starting point and set off at our own pace.
  • There are guides at the rear, in the middle, and at various stations along the hike to assist if needed.
  • We meet at our communal campsites where you can choose to relax, hang out by the campfires, or learn something new at workshops and courses.
  • The adventure concludes with the After-Hike in Friluftsbyn, a perfect ending where you can reflect on the days and the children have the chance to spend more time with their newfound friends.

The High Coast Hike begins and ends in the Friluftsbyn, right in the heart of the High Coast. You can choose between two distances – the Original and Wanderlust – where we hike at our own pace and reach our communal campsite at the end of the day. With Wanderlust Light, you also get assistance with transporting tents and sleeping bags to the different campsites.

The Original »

The Original Adventure is a journey that requires some preparation but offers more vistas. We hike 10 - 16 kilometers per day before reaching our communal campsite.

Wanderlust »

For those who want to hike shorter distances and take more breaks while still experiencing magnificent nature. Approximately 10 km of hiking per day, still offering a challenge.

Wanderlust Light »

For those who want to hike with lighter gear as you receive assistance with transporting tents and sleeping bags to the campgrounds. Perfect for the curious beginner.

The High Coast Hike is one of Sweden’s most popular hiking adventures, attracting both curious beginners and experienced hikers from around the world since 2013. Welcome to a wonderful experience filled with breathtaking nature, outdoor schools, and delightful camaraderie in the World Heritage Site of the High Coast.

The High Coast Hike and the Wanderlust distance have been completed by children as young as 4 years old, but much depends on you as a parent. If you want to hike with a lighter backpack, you can choose the Wanderlust Light option to hike the same route but receive assistance in transporting tents and sleeping bags to the campsites.

A delightful blend of hiking, relaxation, and community.

Experience what has been voted as Sweden’s most beautiful nature.

Experience what has been voted as Sweden’s most beautiful nature.

Some children come with the whole family, others come with mom or dad. Some come with relatives or friends.
– This is going to be great!


if you’re hiking with kids

1. Check out which adventure suits you – The Original, Wanderlust, or Wanderlust Light.
2. Join the participant group on Facebook. Here you’ll get to know more families.
3. Review the equipment you already have and what you need to buy new, borrow, or rent.
4. Stay at FriluftsByn.
5. Prepare for the adventure.
6. Attend the pre-party so the kids have time to meet other children who are joining.
7. Take plenty of breaks.
8. Dare to ask questions.
9. If needed – Send gear from the campsite to FriluftsByn on the last day of the adventure.
10. Attend the After-Hike – one of the highlights of the adventure.


– Choose between The Original, Wanderlust, or Wanderlust Light.

More about the different adventures

The High Coast Hike is a trek where we hike at our own pace through some of the absolute highlights of the High Coast World Heritage Site.

Whether you choose The Original or Wanderlust, the campsites will be the same, and we’ll participate in the same courses and happenings. What differs are the distances we hike.

The Original: The choice for experienced hikers and those venturing out with older children. We hike 10 – 16 kilometers per day in hilly terrain before reaching our communal campsite. More info: The Original >>

Wanderlust: The most popular distance among families with children. An incredibly beautiful hike where we trek approximately 10 kilometers per day in hilly terrain with varying surfaces. More info: Wanderlust >>

Wanderlust Light: The perfect option for those who want to hike with a lighter backpack as we assist with transporting tents and sleeping bags to the different campsites. More info: Wanderlust Light >>


– Get to know more families and ask questions to those who have hiked before.

More about the participant group

The High Coast Hike has been trekked by families from all over the world. Some have come alone with one or more children, and sometimes two parents come along. In our Facebook group, we regularly share tips for the adventure, and here you can also ask questions and get advice from others who have hiked with children.

Before the trek, we usually post a thread with the question ”Who will be hiking with children?” and that usually helps to connect with others who are planning to bring their children on an adventure that creates memories for life.

More info: Participant group High Coast Hikers »


– Check what you already have, then borrow, rent, or invest in what’s missing.

More about the equipment

You probably have most of what you need, but like many others, you might need to borrow a backpack, sleeping bag, and tent from someone you know. Alternatively, you can rent equipment from Naturkompaniet. If you feel inspired, it might be a good time to gradually build up your outdoor wardrobe.

However, it’s essential that you have learned to use the equipment you’re bringing, especially your tent and your kitchen. Of course, there are guides here who can help you. If you need help adjusting your backpack, Naturkompaniet is available on-site.

More info: Mandatory Equipment »


– It’s convenient to stay in FriluftsByn, where most people also choose to stay.

More about travel, lodging & food

This might be the best tip yet. If you stay in FriluftsByn the evening before the adventure, you’ll get to meet other families, and the kids will surely get some energy from getting to know more people who are going on the adventure in a relaxed setting.

Registration includes a tent spot from Saturday to Sunday in FriluftsByn, as we really encourage you to stay one night after the adventure to rest and digest all the impressions before we say goodbye for this time.

More info: Travel, Accommodation & Food »

If you’ve prepared physically and are comfortable with your equipment, make sure you have energy in your bodies and take breaks, then this will be a truly wonderful adventure.


– Hike with a backpack and spend a night in a tent.

More about preparations

It’s essential to hike with a packed backpack to accustom your body to the load. Gradually increase the length and difficulty of your ”training hikes.” This way, your knees, back, and shoulders will get used to the strain.

If you haven’t camped before, make sure to prepare the children by letting them sleep in the tent at home for a few nights before the hike.

More info: Hiking Tips »


– Get to know other participants.

More about the pre-evening

You’re likely to be quite busy in the days leading up to the hike. There’s clothing to pack, and you’ll probably want to test the tent and a few other things. That’s why it can be nice to be on-site already the evening before.

On Wednesday evening, we also organize a pre-evening where we calmly go through what will happen in the next few days, and you can, of course, ask any questions you want. Where to find water, some tips on good resting spots, and all those little details that will make you go to sleep feeling like ”well, this actually feels good.”

More info: Pre-Evening & After-Hike »


– Nature experiences are more than just hiking.

Tips on places to take breaks

The High Coast Hike is an incredibly beautiful trek through varied landscapes. It’s easy to want to hike the Original to experience more stunning places, and if you’re an experienced hiker, it’s a great option.

However, we would advocate for Wanderlust, where you have the opportunity to take more and longer breaks. Find a cozy spot up on Slåttdalsberget, swim in Tärnättvattnet at the first campsite, or at Kälsviken, or find your own clearing in the forest.

During these breaks, it’s good to have packed some extra snacks. Boost your energy by bringing along extra nuts, sausages, or candy. This increases the chance that you’ll keep your spirits up all day.

Good breaks are the key to a more enjoyable experience.


– We’re here for you!

Things that's good to keep track of

Before you arrive, you should have gone through the program to keep track of times. If you have any questions before the adventure, our participant group on Facebook is great, and you’ll quickly get answers from previous participants or us, the organizers of this adventure. You can also email us, of course.

On-site, there are guides who can answer questions, and Naturkompaniet is there to assist you if you have any equipment-related queries. Program High Coast Hike >>

Give your children a break from screens and instead teach them to appreciate nature, create unforgettable memories, and experience adventures together on an exciting multi-day hike through Sweden’s most diverse landscapes.


– If you’re tired, we can lighten the load on the last day when we climb Skuleberget.

Backpack transport day 3

If you’re hiking Wanderlust Light, you’ll receive assistance in transporting tents and sleeping bags to the various campgrounds throughout the adventure.

However, all those hiking with children can receive assistance during the third and final day of hiking.

This means that on Saturday morning at Campsite Dal/Gyltberget, you can drop off backpacks which will then be transported to FriluftsByn.

It’s important, however, that your group brings reinforcement clothing, first aid kits, camping stoves, and anything else you want available at the finish line at the top of Skuleberget, as your equipment will be transported to FriluftsByn.

We will only accept packing that is in backpacks or other sealed bags. Tents are the only items that can be sent as individual articles, not shirts or jackets, etc.

By sending certain equipment to FriluftsByn, you’ll have a more lightly-hiked ending, especially up to the top of Skuleberget.


– One of the absolute highlights of the hike is celebrating our accomplishment.

More about after-hike

What truly delights us is that many families with children, especially parents who come alone with their children, choose to stay for the after-hike. There’s music, and it’s often the children who kick off the spontaneous dancing in the courtyard.

The adventure includes a tent pitch in FriluftsByn from Saturday to Sunday because we want to encourage you to actually stay and enjoy the achievement. Summing up all the memories together with others, especially other children, really enhances the experience.

More info: Pre-evening & After-Hike »

Höga Kusten Hike is one of Europe’s most popular hiking adventures, attracting curious beginners and experienced hikers from around the world since 2013. Welcome to a wonderful experience filled with stunning nature, outdoor schools, and delightful camaraderie in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Höga Kusten.


The magnificent nature, the pleasant atmosphere, the opportunity to learn something new, and just to relax. There are many reasons to join the High Coast Hike. Click below to find out more.

Press play and get a feel for what you are about to experience.


Many come alone and return year after year for the pleasant camaraderie. Others bring friends, family, or partners and combine time together with participating in the community. Here, we have gathered some tips just for you.


Many come alone, but meet new hiking friends along the way.


Many come alone, but meet new hiking friends along the way.


This is the adventure you always talked about that you should do. Here are our best tips!


This is the adventure you always talked about that you should do. Here are our best tips!


You are going to have a really great time. But let us help you with a few tips along the way.


You are going to have a really great time. But let us help you with a few tips along the way.


Bring your kids along for the adventure you all will remember for a lifetime. Here are our best tips for you.


Bring your kids along for the adventure you all will remember for a lifetime. Here are our best tips for you.