Wanderlust Light

Beautiful Memories. Lighter Backpack.

Join us on a magnificent adventure where you have plenty of time for breaks and where you receive assistance with transporting your tent and sleeping bag to the different night camps, allowing you to hike with a lighter backpack. Wanderlust Light is perfect for beginners, those experiencing discomfort in knees/back, or those hiking with younger children.

Vacker Natur

Under tre dagar upplever vi några av Världsarvets höjdpunkter. Kom själv eller ta med barnen eller vännerna.

Härlig Utmaning

Du får hjälp med transport av viss utrustning och vi vandrar ca 10 km per dag. Det blir en bra utmaning.

Skön Gemenskap

Vi ger oss ut tillsammans men vandrar i egen takt. Det blir en härlig gemenskap längst leden och vid nattlägren.


När du kommer fram till dagens checkpoint så hämtar du ut ditt tält och din sovsäck och skapar ett mysigt nattläger.


Under vandringen får vi besök av friluftsföretag som delar med sig av tips och trix.


Vi avslutar på toppen av världsarvet innan vi går ner och fortsätter firandet i FriluftsByn.

About Wanderlust Light

High Coast Hike Wanderlust Light follows the same beautiful route as Wanderlust, and we receive assistance with transporting tents and sleeping bags to the different night camps. Join us and experience the beautiful nature, the great atmosphere, the courses, and all the fun that happens.

What is Wanderlust Light?

High Coast Hike – Wanderlust Light is an adventure for those who want to embark on a magnificent hike but have a bit more time for breaks and hike with lighter packs as we assist with transporting your tent and sleeping bag to the different night camps.

The hike is still challenging at times as we carry equipment, but you will have plenty of time to sit back and enjoy the breathtaking views or take a swim in the lakes in the forest or by a sandy beach along the coast.

Regardless of which experiences you choose, we all arrive at the same night camp.



Check-in & Pre-evening activities. (Optional)

You drop off your tent and sleeping bag and then take buses to the starting point. Hike approximately 8 km to the communal night camp where you pick up your tent and sleeping bag. In the evening, Woolpower holds a workshop.

You drop off your tent and sleeping bag and hike approximately 10 km to the communal night camp where you retrieve your equipment.
+ Opportunity for an extra experience tour in the morning up to a viewpoint and in the evening up Gyltberget where Naturkompaniet holds a lecture.

You drop off your tent and sleeping bag and hike approximately 10 km.
+ Opportunity for an extra experience tour up Getsvedjeberget. Finish at the top of Skuleberget followed by After-Hike in the Outdoor Village. Then pick up your tent and sleeping bag in the Outdoor Village after completing the hike.

Personal experiences in the High Coast.

For a more detailed description of the hike:

For a more detailed program and schedule:

What's included?

In the registration for The Original, the following are included:

  • Outdoor Collective T-Shirt
  • Bus transport from the Outdoor Village
  • Seven meals of freeze-dried outdoor food
  • Map of the hike
  • Seminar with Woolpower and Naturkompaniet
  • Admission to the After-Hike
  • Free tent spot in the Outdoor Village from Saturday to Sunday
  • Transport of your tent and sleeping bag from the Outdoor Village to the different night camps and back to the Outdoor Village.
What type of equipment do you need?

It’s important that you bring mandatory equipment, including – clothing, backpack, tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, camping stove, and additional items for your safety.

You should also bring snacks, coffee, tea, and other beverages. Water is available in nature.

For more information:
Mandatory Equipment >>

How challenging is Wanderlust Light?

Wanderlust is classified as ”moderate” 2/5 given the distances, the time available, and the fact that your tent and sleeping bag are transported from the Outdoor Village to the different night camps and back.

However, you still need to prepare your body. There are steep ascents and descents, and the terrain is varied. We traverse up and down mountains, which can be challenging even with lighter packs.

With the right preparations, Wanderlust Light is possible for most people, and over the years, well-prepared families with children have hiked the trail.

It often depends on your overall fitness combined with acclimating your body by hiking with a packed backpack before the adventure, gradually increasing the weight in the pack.

We hike approximately 10 kilometers per day, where on day two and three, you have the opportunity to go on ”explorer rounds” together with The Original if you feel like experiencing more.

We do everything to ensure that you have the best opportunity to enjoy the magnificent nature and the great camaraderie – but much depends on how well you’ve prepared.

Can you interrupt the hike?

During the over 10 years we’ve organized the High Coast Hike, few individuals have had to interrupt their hike. But it can happen.

Often, it’s because they haven’t properly packed their backpack with the gear they’re bringing or haven’t prepared their bodies by hiking with a backpack. For others, it may be an old injury resurfacing.

Regardless of the reason, the result is often sore shoulders, back, or knees, making it tough to complete The Original.

However, we do everything we can to help you continue participating in the adventure:

  1. We suggest shortcuts that allow you to miss some of the views but can take it a bit easier.
  2. We can assist in transporting parts of your gear in some places. This is possible at Entré Syd and at the second night camp.
  3. You’ll receive transportation back to the Outdoor Village where you can set up camp and receive suggestions for personal tours before meeting up with the rest of the group on day 3.
  4. You’ll receive transportation back to the Outdoor Village where you can relax and prepare for the After-Hike.

Our goal is for you to still have a great experience, even if things don’t go exactly as planned this time.

Who usually join this adventure?

The High Coast Hike attracts adventurers and leisure hikers from all over the world. From experienced hikers to curious beginners. Solo hikers to groups of friends, couples, and families.


The magnificent nature, the pleasant atmosphere, the opportunity to learn something new, and just to relax. There are many reasons to join the High Coast Hike. Click below to find out more.

Press play and get a feel for what you are about to experience.


Many come alone and return year after year for the pleasant camaraderie. Others bring friends, family, or partners and combine time together with participating in the community. Here, we have gathered some tips just for you.


Many come alone, but meet new hiking friends along the way.


Many come alone, but meet new hiking friends along the way.


This is the adventure you always talked about that you should do. Here are our best tips!


This is the adventure you always talked about that you should do. Here are our best tips!


You are going to have a really great time. But let us help you with a few tips along the way.


You are going to have a really great time. But let us help you with a few tips along the way.


Bring your kids along for the adventure you all will remember for a lifetime. Here are our best tips for you.


Bring your kids along for the adventure you all will remember for a lifetime. Here are our best tips for you.